LAVIOFLOC is a liquid synthetic polymer – cross linked type – totally water soluble and designed to show a coagulant action able to activate flocculation process of exhausted drilling muds.
Double benefit
- Strong reduction in terms of volume of exhausted drilling muds for disposal
- Easier and quicker loading operations because its semi- solid status (shovelable)
- The application dosage of LAVIOFLOC is extremely wide and it has to be experimentally predetermined
- Indicatively, the suggested usage is between 0.1% and 1%, calculated on the mud volume to be treated
- It is advisable to proceed with additions of 0.2% at a time, proceeding with mixing, and stopping any further addition once mud flocculation sludge occurred.
Packing & Storage
- 25kg/Pail or 230 kg/Drum
- Keep the product in a dry place and closed in original packaging